Monthly Archives: July 2016

Thursday Team 7/29/2016

The pantry had a very busy Thursday with regular 13 volunteers and 2 community service workers. Volunteers made over 100 food boxes to be distributed to clients for Saturday and Tuesday. They also processed donations, pet food, cleaned and stocked various areas. The Thursday team is vital to the pantry's ability to function during normal operating days. Their dedication provides a

2016-07-30T11:33:05-05:00July 30th, 2016|Latest News|

Saturday Update 7/23/2016

The pantry served 192 people a week's worth of groceries. Thanks to donations from area grocery stores, clients had fresh fruits and vegetables to select along with regular supplies to make meals. We had 10 volunteers to serve the community food-insecure and to do the behind-the-scenes cleaning (Thank you, volunteers!). There is always a way to participate. Visit our Volunteer Page

2016-07-23T16:04:23-05:00July 23rd, 2016|Latest News|

NTFB Full on Faith – July 2016

Volunteers from Amazing Grace Food Pantry took off work today to pay it forward at North Texas Food Bank for their July 2016 Full On Faith volunteer event. In just 2 hours, we sorted and packed various food products to go to area Food Pantries. NTFB calculated the effort to be 8366 meals. Anyone can volunteer at North Texas Food Bank,

2016-07-23T11:41:47-05:00July 23rd, 2016|Latest News|

Pantry Update 7/19/2016

It was a scorching hot day! All 248 people we served received bottled water and a week's worth of groceries. These summer months in North Texas mean higher electric bills. This takes a toll on struggling families (and our all-volunteer pantry). Helping the food-insecure in our neighborhoods relieves budget concerns and makes for a happier home for the kids. Help us

2016-07-21T12:16:47-05:00July 21st, 2016|Latest News|

Thursday Team Update 7/18/2016

Spring cleaning in July! We had a wonderful, busy but productive day at the pantry. There were 14 volunteers and 1 community service worker. We got more done than we ever thought we could. The team assembled boxes, marked incoming donations, cleaned shelves, fans and every other nook and cranny that gets infrequent attention... busy, busy day! While our primary mission

2016-07-19T00:25:41-05:00July 19th, 2016|Latest News|

Saturday Update 7/16/2016

Awesome team of volunteers today!  Each had a true heart for the ministry to serve people cheerfully. We love their hard work and never ending joy! The pantry served 198 people, mowed, cleaned up both the pantry and the garage, and took out trash. We also met with someone to get started on a new building. We're still in need of

2016-07-16T15:19:21-05:00July 16th, 2016|Latest News|

Thursday Team Update 7/07/2016

As usual, we had a bang-up day at the pantry! We had 2 community service workers and 12 regular volunteers.  Also, 2 LDS volunteers mowed and tended to the remaining yard work for the week. The kids had their music playing, adults talking while working - a good fun day, lots of smiling faces. The team assembled client food boxes, marked

2016-07-08T13:40:28-05:00July 8th, 2016|Latest News|

Saturday Update 6/2/2016

The Pantry started July with a bang serving 182 people which included 77 children that would otherwise go to bed hungry this week. One volunteer brought in tomato sauce for 15 families! Your time and donations make a huge impact to the food insecure families in Collin County!   Other ways to help in the Fight Against Hunger in North Texas

2016-07-04T19:49:15-05:00July 4th, 2016|Latest News|