Client Testimonials


I’m so thankful to God, to Amazing Grace Food Pantry and their volunteers.  Because I have fallen on hard times and have financial trouble.  Amazing Grace Food Pantry is always here to help, they are a blessing.

2017-05-19T20:34:28-05:00May 19th, 2017|


My daughter, her 2 girls and myself have been coming to Amazing Grace Food Pantry for around a year.  We live in Josephine.  Amazing Grace Food Pantry has been very helpful to our family.  We have a hard time making ends meet.  The food we receive has helped us from going hungry some months.  Our pets as well.  This is the

2017-05-19T20:33:52-05:00May 19th, 2017|


Amazing Grace Food Pantry is the best!  Thank God!  I have 4 kids and trying to make it work, but sometimes I need help.  So glad you all are here!

2017-05-19T20:33:00-05:00May 19th, 2017|


This is to inform you that I appreciate every help I get from Amazing Grace Food Pantry.  With all the expenses that there are, every bit helps.  We are treated with much kindness and never has there been a time when we were turned down.

2017-05-19T20:32:19-05:00May 19th, 2017|


Maria has a family of 5 and comes every week to help make ends meet. She likes how welcomed the volunteers make her feel.

2017-05-06T21:17:46-05:00May 6th, 2017|


Christine has a family of 5 I have visited Amazing Grace Food Pantry at times when life hits hard. Every time I have come, I have been greeted like a friend and my kids have been shown such love and attention. They always give enough food to make it through the week! I love you guys!

2017-05-06T21:22:11-05:00May 6th, 2017|


I started coming to Amazing Grace Food Pantry in 2016. My wife and I are retired and made ends meet ok until my 35 year old son had a near fatal car accident that left him mentally and physically handicapped. We took him into our home along with his two teenage kids. Our Social Security income isn’t enough to sustain a

2017-02-09T23:24:54-06:00February 9th, 2017|


Lori started coming to Amazing Grace Food Pantry for assistance end of 2016. She moved to Texas last year after her 4 yr old daughter’s death. She is care taker for 2 elderly in-laws. Amazing Grace Food Pantry is one of the only pantries in the area that provides such a wide variety of food and provides hygiene products that I

2017-02-09T23:20:52-06:00February 9th, 2017|


Meet Susan. I struggle to feed my family of 4 and am so thankful that AGFP provides a good, healthy variety of fresh fruit and vegetables.  The people here are so nice and helpful!  We also appreciate the pet food available.

2017-01-30T11:27:03-06:00January 30th, 2017|


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for Amazing Grace Food Pantry.  The past year has been tough on my household. Due to illness, I was forced to retire early.  I've accumulated a lot of medical bills due to several trips to the hospital and ongoing treatments. The generous donations from the pantry enables my family to have regular nutritious meals.

2017-01-30T11:25:51-06:00January 30th, 2017|