Monthly Archives: January 2017

Pantry Update 1/30/2017

Another week of blessings at Amazing Grace Food Pantry thanks to the many volunteers who served 128 families. That’s 535 people who will have food on the table for another week. There were lots of fresh fruits and veggies this week to give out such as grapefruit, pears and carrots. Healthy choices in nutrition promotes better physical and mental health. Families

2017-01-30T11:50:01-06:00January 30th, 2017|Latest News|

Love Your Neighbor 2017 (CTA)

AGFP Love Your Neighnor 2017 Thank you Target for supporting the community with your gift registry. Those looking to help can visit the Target Gift Registry to see the latest list of items we've selected that are in short supply for food-insecure families. We're also adding an option for donations that allow community members to Adopt a Monthly Bill at Amazing

2017-01-30T10:54:19-06:00January 30th, 2017|Call to Action|

Pantry Update 1/23/2017

Volunteers served groceries to 125 families. A few new families today. One of which just suffered a house fire and needed short term assistance until they can get back on their feet. Overall, 505 people have food on the table this week – thanks to the volunteers and supporters at Amazing Grace Food Pantry. The pantry is just a tool for

2017-01-23T18:11:57-06:00January 23rd, 2017|Latest News|

Pantry Update 1/17/2016

Last week, AGFP served groceries to 128 families. That's 520 people that had less to worry about. This year brings a lot of challenges to so many families; medical bills, home heating and cooling, stagnant income trends and for some, loss of employment. These burdens can affect any of us at any time. YOU can help lighten that burden for others

2017-01-17T19:53:44-06:00January 17th, 2017|Latest News|

Pantry Update 1/7/2016

With the temperature at 11 degrees this morning, we weren’t sure if any families would come for food today. Normally, Amazing Grace Food Pantry is open 8am till 11am on Saturdays, but today most of the 61 families didn’t come till after 10:30 when the sun finally warmed things up to 25 degrees. The dedication and huge hearts of the volunteers

2017-01-07T17:40:25-06:00January 7th, 2017|Latest News|

Pantry Update 1/3/2017

As we say “so long” to 2016 and greet the New Year with anticipation and promise to serve others, Amazing Grace Food Pantry sends out a special Thank You to all the volunteers and generous donors who help so many struggling families. Because of you, these families have a little relief from worrying about food on the table. You make a

2017-01-03T20:48:04-06:00January 3rd, 2017|Latest News|