The rain slowed guests down a little last week, but families made their way in to gather groceries from Amazing Grace Food Pantry. Over 27,000 pounds of food distributed this week alone!

Barb is among our volunteers that finds joy in stocking the client shopping area with lots of nutritional goodies along with some sweet treats. In addition to receiving a weekly box of nutritious staples and meats, clients “shop” the front area for dairy products, produce, bread, drink items and a selection of other products. This hybrid system allows us to ensure everyone gets what they need as well as a fair share of wants… just like at the grocery store.

Last week there was an abundance of summer squash, onions, zucchini, limes, oranges, apples, tomatoes and avocados. Last month we were very low on frozen meat, but we were able to load up everyone’s freezer this time around.

In fact, large families received up to 150 pounds due to the abundance!

Large families receive 150 pounds of food at the food pantry
North Texas Food Bank

Thanks to North Texas Food Bank and individuals who donate, we ordered a variety of meat at 14 cents per pound. What a blessing YOU are!

Did You Know?
You can also help the pantry by volunteering at North Texas Food Bank. Let them know you’re there to support Amazing Grace Food Pantry. They will credit us for future orders.

Want to help #FightHunger Together? Call ahead to learn what shortage the pantry has or send your financial support to help fund the grocery budget. Your $10 donation will feed a family of 4 for an entire month!

Since Amazing Grace Food Pantry started it’s ministry in 2007, we’ve opened each client day with prayer. The clients that arrive early love to join in. Prayer requests are mentioned, answered prayers are spoken with praise and often shared testimonies like this one.

Fani had a huge praise that she gave to the waiting room after opening prayer. Fani was the client who received a new microwave from volunteer Preston from Church 11:32. She was so excited to tell everyone how God has been working in her life because she has been giving Him the praise for the little things provided to her. That woman was on fire for the Lord! She got a nice round of applause after her 3 minute testimony.

Fani - Food Pantry Client

Take the time to read some of the testimonials from clients and volunteers on our website. Volunteer or donate this year. It will bless you!

Please share this and our other posts on your Facebook timeline, tweet it out on Twitter or forward via email. Many people looking to help or looking for help don't even know that ours and other pantries exist. Let others know there's help for them out there!

More ways YOU can help in the Fight Against Hunger in North Texas

  1. Visit our Volunteer Page to find out how you can get involved directly to make a difference.
  2. Consider arranging a recurring monthly donation by visiting our Donation Pageno amount is too small.
  3. Shop using Amazon Smile – select Amazing Grace Food Pantry as your charity of choice. If you have already, please update your selection.
  4. Use your Kroger Community Rewards Card. Enter our number 92895 to have a portion of your total purchase benefit Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
  5. Visit the Target Gift Registry to review a list of needed items such as canned beans, canned veggies, soups and hygiene products.
  6. Spread the word about us to your friends, family and coworkers! Ask your favorite businesses if they support Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
  7. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and be sure to share our posts on your timeline.

The volunteers at Amazing Grace Food Pantry and the growing number of clients thank you for your help in fighting hunger in Collin County and North Texas. If you have any questions, comments or would like to know more, feel free to use our Contact Page or call us at (972) 292-7241.

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