Week ending March 18, 2017, Amazing Grace Food Pantry provided groceries to 108 Collin County families. Good to know that 415 people will have nutritious food on the table this week instead of worrying if they will have money for the utility bills. Food insecure families seldom buy fresh fruit and vegetables – an important part of healthy diets. Along with relieving financial stress for the food insecure families, Amazing Grace Food Pantry offers these nutritious foods knowing these help reduce the risk of some health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and improves the body’s ability to fight off illness.

Thank you to all the faithful volunteers and contributors. YOU make a huge difference in these families lives! Together, we can build a healthier community.

New Building Update: Floor treatment completes Tuesday 3/21, then teams can start interior walls. We’re still searching for HVAC system and Walk In Cooler solutions. If you have a contact in these areas, please leave a voicemail at (972) 292-7241 or use our contact form.

My adult son Judah and I started to volunteer at Amazing Grace food pantry about 7 months ago. We were looking for something to get us out of the house, having been a stay at home mom for many years.

We wanted to try it for 1 day a week to start with, just to “see” how it was there. Once we started there we discovered the awesome staff and other volunteers that made us feel so very welcome. It wasn’t too long before we decided to give more than 1 day.

We really enjoy the family atmosphere and the fact that everyone working there comes from all different walks of life. It’s very refreshing to me and it’s bringing a much richer dimension to our lives that we are so thankful for to this day. Besides this there comes the joy of helping people feed their families. Unless you work there you have no idea how much food passes through the doors each week nor how many people are helped.

We also love to see all the different ages come to volunteer, from family’s with young children to senior citizen’s. Everyone can have place to fill at Amazing Grace! My only regret is that we did not find Amazing Grace sooner!

Barb and Judah volunteer

Take the time to read some of the testimonials from clients and volunteers on our website. Volunteer or donate this year. It will bless you!

Please share this and our other posts on your Facebook timeline, tweet it out on Twitter or forward via email. Many people looking to help or looking for help don't even know that ours and other pantries exist. Let others know there's help for them out there!

More ways YOU can help in the Fight Against Hunger in North Texas

  1. Visit our Volunteer Page to find out how you can get involved directly to make a difference.
  2. Consider arranging a recurring monthly donation by visiting our Donation Pageno amount is too small.
  3. Shop using Amazon Smile – select Amazing Grace Fellowship Wylie as your charity of choice. Amazon will send the pantry 1/2 of a percent of total sales each year.
  4. Use your Kroger Community Rewards Card. Enter our number 92895 to have a portion of your total purchase benefit Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
  5. Visit the Target Gift Registry to review a list of needed items such as canned beans, canned veggies, soups and hygiene products.
  6. Spread the word about us to your friends, family and coworkers! Ask your favorite businesses if they support Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
  7. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and be sure to share our posts on your timeline.

The volunteers at Amazing Grace Food Pantry and the growing number of clients thank you for your help in fighting hunger in Collin County and North Texas. If you have any questions, comments or would like to know more, feel free to use our Contact Page or call us at (972) 292-7241

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